“We want to know what is happening across the city and want the arts to remain in the classroom and the life of school.”

Generation Hull’s Young People’s Steering Group

Generation Hull is the city’s  Local Cultural Education Partnership, bringing together partners from the arts, health and education sectors, to improve creative opportunities for children and young people.

Right now we are working with…

  • Arts Organisations

    Promote What You Do We share what creative organisations  in the city are offering  children and young people so that they know about Hull’s great cultural offer. See our events and activities.

    Connect You To Schools We connect creative  organisations with schools, youth and community groups so they can work in  partnership and reach more young people.

  • Schools

    Develop School Arts Councils We support schools across Hull to set up Arts Councils so the voice of all pupils can help shape the creative curriculums they want.

    Connect You To Hull’s Art Offer We share creative opportunities with schools and support them to collaborate with the creative industry to develop curriculums their pupils need. Encourage schools to work towards achieving the Artsmark and deliver the Arts Award.

  • Young People

    Join our steering group of young people to find out, share and influence all the great creative stuff in Hull. From performing at Freedom to planning a Creative Voice youth arts festival and a whole host of other opportunities, you will develop the skills to make informed choices as leaders in the arts. Follow Generation Hull’s Instagram to see their journey.

    “I love that we get to experience all different types of art” Laura

    “It’s comforting to know that I am listened to and our inputs make a difference” Kelsey
